Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 11 September 2015
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Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 10th September 2015 Written Episode
Scene 1
Dharma says to Bindu that i wanna say something can i? he says ofcourse, Dharma says no death sentence please, Helena says i gave death sentence to my son with my hands as he was betrayer, Dharma sys by death sentence only criminal dies but not crime and if this was not the case then after Justin’s death, Khurasan could have not done this, Chanakya says punishment is important for criminal and betraying is big crime, Dharma says if we cant give life then we have no right to take it back, Bindu says i agree with her but we can betrayer of royal family, Khurasan will be given punishment and he will live his life in prison so that he will remember that Dahrma saved his life and his one eye will be taken out so that he will never forget that he got blind in his daughter’s love and did henious crime, take him away, Khurasan is taken away, Bindu says court session should end now, Helena says wait, i want to welcome my daughter in law and my grandson, Bindu says you are great, Helena comes to Dharma and Ashok, she does tilak of Dharma, does her aarti, Dharma touches her feet, Helena says i hope Magdh will get a lot from your thoughts, Radha says to Chanakya that the lady who was behind her life till yesterday is now doing her aarti, Chanakya says i knew Helena’s truth will not come out easily, Helena does Ashok’s aarti, he touches her feet, Helena before i bless, i want to confess something, i never liked Ashok, there was a time when we had doubt on Chanakya, that time i asked Bindu to beware of Ashok, i didnt have trust on Chanakya that time, i thought Chanakya is making plan to make a common kid a Samrat, she says to Chanakya that i am sorry to not trust you as before too you made a common kid Chandragupt maurya a Samrat, i discussed that with you but you didnt tell me truth of Ashok then, Chanakya says whatever you did was to favor your son and what i did was for my Magdh, Ashok says to Helena that you are taking tension Unnecessarily, the one who was Samrat from before doesnt need any throne to be called Samrat, i was Samrat Vanraj from before and will remain Samrat Vanraj, whatever i did was to give respect to my mother and to unite my parents, throne was never my destination, throne is not needed to serve your nation, i just want t get assistance of my father and help my brothers, i want to serve magdh, i want to make my nation peaceful, Bindu says why we are worrying about heir to throne from now ? when time will come, i will announce my heir, Helena says i want to spend time with my grandson so i am taking him, she ask Subhrasi to make Dharma ready as queen, Helena takes Ashok from there and Subhrasi goes with Dharma.
Scene 2
Helena is taking Ashok to her room, all soldiers are bowing to Ashok, Helena recalls how Ashok failed her plans all the time, how he failed her flammable palace plan, how he caught Vrahmir, how he united his family, she is angry, she brings Ashok to a royal room, Ashok is stunned to see such luxury room, he ask whose room is this? Helena says it was Justin’s room but now i want you to live here, Ashok says to Helena that i didnt know you will love me so much, Helena says you have to see much more, Ashok hugs her, Helena is miffed.
Subhrasi is getting angry on dasi as she has lost her thing, she says i should have been careful, i should not rely on others, Dharma comes there dressed as queen and tells her the place of thing, Subhrasi says thanks dasi.. she stops, Dharma tries to give thing to her but Subhrasi says leave it, i should nto get habituated to do things, she starts dressing Dharma, Dharma says i know you are miffed with me and its right too, Subhrasi says i told you that something is bothering you and you can share with me but you didnt, Dharma says i wanted to tell you everything but situation was tense, if you were in my place, and if Drupat’s life was in in danger then you would have done same, Subhrasi says its not about truth but i am human, i am not able to take thing in high stride, i cant accept all this as its sudden change, i was not first wife of Bindu and i shared his love with other two wives and i will do same now but i need sometime to accept all this, Dharma says i know you are good women, dont worry, Ashok will become prince but wont snatch anything from his brothers, i have given him values, Subhrasi says you have lived a difficult life for 14 years, now its time for you to be happy, Bindu has waited for you alot, lets go to him.
Subhrasi brings Dharma to Bindu, he is mesmerized to see her and says awesome, so beautiful, when i saw you 14 years back you were as much pretty as you are today, he thanks Subhrasi for making Dharma ready, Subhrasi doesnt like Bindu’s attraction towards Dharma, Bindu extend his hand, Dharma gives her hand in his hand, he takes her from there, Subhrasi look on tensed.
Nicator ask Helena that are you forgetting that Ashok is reason behind Justin’s death and you gave him Justin’s room only, i never thought you would be so much opportunist, did you accept you defeat from Chanakya? dont you want to make Siamak Samrat now? Helena says this is aim of my life to make Siamak Samrat, Chanakya is playing smart game but i will beat him, Helena says to Nicator that Chanakya will try to show Bindu that how much Ashok is like him but i will show Bindu how much Ashok is unlike him, how much he differs from his personality, the Ashok who has united his parents will become reason for their split too and about Siamak, Noor will not let his love sacrifice go waste, i want you to leave from here as Chanakya can trap you, when time will come we will take your help from outside.
PRECAP- Radha says to soldiers that no one should enter palace without pass and interrogation. A girl comes in palace, soldier stops her and ask her to show pass, she shows it, he lets her go in. Girl thinks that no one can save Ashok from y attack. Ashok is enjoying bath in royal bath tub, girl enters his room..