Mohi 12th September 2015 Full Episode
Mohi 11th September 2015 Written Episode
The Episode starts with Mohi crying sitting outside Ayush’s house. The family talks about Ayush bringing Mohi for Anusha. Madhur says he did a good thing, I did not expect this, I think he is becoming responsible now, it means he is preparing for his future. The family gets glad to see Madhur praising Ayush. Sharad says its first time in life that Madhur praised Ayush. Swati smiles seeing Madhur. They all sit to have lunch. Manohar and everyone wait for Ayush. Mohi serves the food. Ayush comes and she hides. Ayush says he is not hungry, he will have food later. The family insists and tease him about Anusha.
Ayush says he has to go. Sharad says we all were waiting for you. Ayush says sorry, I will have dinner with you all. Madhur stops Ayush and asks him to have food with them, if everyone is saying. Manohar asks Ayush to come and sit in his chair. Ayush does not eat food. Deepa gets annoyed and tells Ayush that he called Mohi here for Anusha, and did not do this for her. She says this is not fair.
Anjali says Deepa is right, I m sure Ayush will arrange help maid for me. They laugh. Ayush says stop it and gets angry. He says he did not get Mohi, she has come on her own. Mohi hears this and gets sad. Ayush says she wanted to come Pune for her work, I could not refuse as Mohi and her family helped me a lot in Bhuvana. Manohar says its fine, she has come here now, don’t tell this to Anusha. They all laugh. Ayush says I m getting late and leaves.
He sees Mohi standing far and leaves. Madhur says see how he behaved, as if he did favor on us to have lunch with us. They feel there is some reason, as Ayush does not get irritated often. Ayush meets Anusha and says he wants to tell her something. Anush asks him did he get in love with any village girl. He says not love, but marriage. Anusha laughs thinking he is joking. He says I m not jiking, I came after marrying there. Anusha gets shocked.
Ayush says I did not wish to cheat you, but situation was such… She asks what situation… He says let me explain, I went Bhuvana on some mission, those people caught me. He tells her everything. Anusha cries. He says sorry, try to understand. She says you are a married man now Ayush, now you are not mind, don’t try to meet me. Ayush comes out of his imagination, while applying brakes to his bike. He gets tensed.
Everyone finish the lunch. The women clean the table. Ayush’s aunt stops Mohi from going in kitchen. She asks Mohi to keep plates outside. She recalls her village. Swati asks Mohi not to feel bad, as they also don’t go in kitchen without bathing. She says we have some rules here and asks her to take tea for Manohar.
Nana comes home and asks Mohi to come and see what he got. Mahua says he came very late. He says he got patients, call Mohi, where is she. Mahua says she is not here. He says she does not stay at home. Mahua says she is gone, leaving all of us. He asks where. Mahua tells him that Mohi got married to Ayush. He gets shocked. Mahua tells him everything. Nana and Mahua cry.
Ayush meets Anusha and says he wants to tell her something. She says say, what is it.