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Title: Foot Care Simple Tips
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Foot Care Tips in Urdu – There are many women that don’t care their feet and only concentrate on their face beauty. As a result their feet b...

Foot Care Tips in Urdu – There are many women that don’t care their feet and only concentrate on their face beauty. As a result their feet become ugly and they fear to show them in while sitting among friends. We can make our feet beautiful and smart with a little care. The skin on our feet is thicker than elsewhere, providing much needed protection against the stresses and strains we put them under. It is said that our feet absorb between three and four times our body weight whenever they touch the ground. In an average lifetime, our feet walk the distance equivalent of four times round the earth. The most important thing we can do to promote healthy, beautiful feet is to scrub them. We should not only give careful wash to our fee at the end of a shower or use a brush, or a pan scrubber but also take full care of them to protect them from cracks and other disease. For foot care tips in urdu please click on read more button.


