Bhabhiji Ghar Pe Hai 10 September 2015
Bhabhiji Ghar Pe Hai 10 September 2015 Full Episode And Tv, Bhabhiji Ghar Pe Hai 10 September 2015 Full And Tv HQ Episode,Bhabhiji Ghar Pe Hai 10 September 2015 In Full HD,Indian Drama Bhabhiji Ghar Pe Hai Watch Online Free, Bhabhiji Ghar Pe Hai 10 Sep 2015 Watch Online All Parts In High Quality, Bhabhiji Ghar Pe Hai 10 September 2015 Precap Promo,Bhabhiji Ghar Pe Hai 10 September 2015 Today Episode,Latest Episode Bhabhiji Ghar Pe Hai 10 September 2015,Dailymotion Video Bhabhiji Ghar Pe Hai 10 September,Bhabhiji Ghar Pe Hai Watch And Read Written Episode,
Bhabhiji Ghar Pe Hai 9th September 2015 Written Episode
The episode begins with,anguri comes out to see whose calling and vibhuti comes forward to stop her and both slip on the road and anita also comes out see anguri and vibhuti and asks wats happening and even she slips and tiwari comes out seeing them asks y r u all dancing and even he slips and hapu singh and tika ,malkhan too slip and after sometime everyone stand still and they see tat vibhuti and tiwari are lying on floor hurt later tat night vibhuti is using walker to come in terrace and he says tat i put the oil for tiwari and got hurt and tiwari also comes in hids gallery using the walker as he us also hurt and then he asks vibhuti who might be Krishna and vibhuti says tat i think it must be tat saxena and tiwari says lets c as the group is coming and they hear the music in the ride anguri and anita are dressed beautiful and ladu is sitting in middle as Krishna and tiwari says tat may be he was the right choice for Krishna and hapu singh,tika and malkhan are dancing and enjoying and tiwari says tat lets go and sleep and says tat i will not leave the person who put the oil on road and vibhuti says tat go n sleep
Anita is seen sitting in a funeral and anguri comes and calls anita and vibhuti but the anita turns n asks her wat and anguri says tat where is vibhuti and anita shows his pic on table and anguri screams seeing tat vibhuti is dead and she gets up and tiwari asks her wat happen and anguri realises tat it was dream and she tells tiwari tat she saw a very bad dream and tiwari asks wat was the dream and anguri tells tat she saw tat vibhuti was dead and tiwari says tat it happens it is not reality and go to sleep and anguri gets irritated and worried about the dream and then the morning anguri sees vibhuti and calls him and asks how is he and he replies i m fine and anguri says tat y don’t u come home after sometime i have made panner pakodas and asks him to come and leaves while vibhuti thinks tat wat is the matter how is anguri bhabhi so caring for me and he gets happy
Anita is talking to her uncle and says tat she is very happy tat u r coming here i will give a big welcome party and says how can i forget how u supported me during my and vibhutis marriage u were only the one to support and she then asks her uncle tat we will give surprise to vibhuti and she hungs up and then she screams tat i m so happy today and comes vibhuti and asks wat is the happiness and she says tat its surprise and vibhuti says tat oh anu i love u so much now i will be soon a father and anita says tat u r wrong the surprise is different and wat will u do now after being a father and vibhuti says i want to be one and then anita says wat will people call ur child a son of jobless father and vibhuti says pls u r talking too much and anita says tat i m saying the truth and then she says i have to go and make lot of arrangements vibhuti then says tat forget about u i m enjoying anguri bhabhis attention and he then thinks i need to find out wat is the reason behind her this behaviour
Vibhuti goes to meet anguri and listens her praying in front of god where anguri says tat god pls don’t make my dream true as this wont happen vibhui cannot die and then vibhuti hears all this and plans something new and he then says hi to anguri and she then says to him to wait as she will bring the panner pakodas and vibhuti plans to take advantage he then makes a fake call and pretends tat he is talking to anit and asks wat does his report says and says tat its not good he is just a gurst of two more days and vibhuti says its ok and don’t tell this to anyone and hungs up and comes anguri from behind crying and says tat i m sorry i heard it all and he asks anguri to not to cry and asks her not to tell tiwari or any other and anguri agrees as he gives her tiwaris promise
Anita is happy and talking to her friend kripa about her plans and tiwari comes she hungs up and then tiwari asks wats the reason behind ur happiness and anita says tat its a surprise for vibhuti so i will not tell u also and then tiwari asks r u expecting a baby and anita shies and says no its not tat u will get to know soon i have to rush as i have lots of work
Anguri is upset and crying and tiwari hears it and asks her wat happen y r u crying and she says nothing and tiwari says tat r u angry on me and she says no and he asks r u missing ur parents and she says no and then tiwari asks r u missing ur brother uttam and she says no and then tiwari asks her to pls tell to him wat happen and she says tat i could not tell u anything as she been given ur promise not to tell u and tiwari in his mind says tat i think this is some new trick of tat vibhuti
Precap: anita on phone asks a person tat r u papu dj and says to him tat she requires a dj after few days while tiwari thinks is anita bhabhi going to play dj after vibhutis death and then vibhuti is seen saying tat he cant remember who r uu and he then thinks tat oh im forgetting thinks and calls anguri as anita and asks her to hug him